Some time ago, I watched Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning. Ostensibly a Star Trek parody, it contained a lot of things that lots of people would not find funny. But I did. And it was made by Finns. So, yes I watched it with subtitles. Basically what happens is that the Star Trek people find a maggot-hole and go through it and enter the Babylon 5 universe and duke it out with awesome digital special effects and such and practically everyone dies in the end.

Now, the creators of this parody are making a new movie, one not derivative of others’ work. It is called Iron Sky and it looks good.

Here’s the official teaser:

A summary:

Near the end of WW2, the Nazis invented anti-gravity. Knowing they would lose, they left the Earth and established a base on the dark side of the moon (YES WEIYAN). Now it is 2018. They’re baa-ack.

Of course you can’t expect a movie with such an absurd premise to be entirely serious, but from the trailer I really want to watch this. Also the music was specially made for this production and I like that too. So hurrah for independent productions and ridiculous plots.